
Hi! Nice to meet you :)
I'm a rising senior at Northwestern University, pursuing concurrent B.A. and M.S. degrees in computer science with a minor in chemistry.
I'm currently working on research projects with the Michael Wasielewski Group and the Center for Robotics and Biosystems at Northwestern. My research focuses on machine learning classification of small molecules and developing simulators for multi-agent and swarm robotics. I'm also interested in cyptography, deep learning, and sustainability in computing.
In my free time, I love hiking, baking, traveling, maintaining my 250+ day Duolingo streak, and annoying my friends with capybara videos.

Programming languages: Python (NumPy, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib), Java, JavaScript (React), C, C++, Racket, WebGL, HTML, CSS, SQL (MySQL, SQLite)
Tools: Git, Vim, GDB, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Anaconda, Linux, LaTeX
Languages: English (native), Mandarin Chinese (native), French (fluent), Spanish (elementary), Hungarian (elementary)


Here are some websites I think are cool -- you should check them out!